ID123 provides a useful and more convenient membership card to replace the standard plastic membership cards that have been used by Hockey Northland for membership in past seasons.
We are using a digital membership card for 2022 and if you have already registered for the Open Grade competitions and your correct email address is recorded in your profile, you will receive an email to register your information in order for Hockey Northland to comply with our Liquor Licence. If you do not receive an email and you are a registered member with Hockey Northland, please email to rectify this.
You will need to be prepared to present your membership card at the bar each time you wish to purchase alcohol, otherwise you will be required to sign in manually at the bar each time.
Temporary Plastic Social Membership cards will still be available directly from the Bar for $10 for the year and information to download a digital membership card will be sent to you to register afterwards.
If you are having trouble with your membership card, please click the link below for quick user guide in setting up the app:
When searching for the institution, please search for “Northland Hockey Association”
