Tai Tokerau Māori Hockey will be entering teams into the 2022 National Maori Tournament. TTMH Committee will appoint the players that were named in 2021 - there will be spaces available for players. Register your interest if you are interested in being selected.
Register by clicking this link : 2022 - Tai Tokerau Maori Hockey Expression of Interest (google.com)
National Tournament Details
Dates: Thursday October 27th - Monday October 31st
Venue: Nelson Hockey Association
Tai Tokerau will be entering 1 x Tane team & 2 x Wahine team
Maori Tournament Eligibility
All players must be of Maori descent and one of the following;
- Whakapapa to the region (Te Tai Tokerau)
- New rule 2019 from the Kaunihera - whangai whanau not eligible
- Live/play in the region (Northland)
- Be playing your first Maori Tournament
- Minimum age requirement - Year 9 (attending High School)
Team Management
TTMH Wahine A Coach : Vicki Gribble
TTMH Wahine Managers : Kylie Wech & KJ Smith
TTMH Wahine B Coach : Marika Currie
TTMH Tane Coach (tbc)
TTMH Tane Manager : Michele Codlin
